Summer drinking

Campaign Image

Are your summer holidays and BBQs turning you into a risky drinker?

Are those glasses of summer Pimms, beers at the BBQ or glasses of wine by the holiday pool adding up?  Do you know how many calories or units of alcohol are in your favourite drinks? Could you be risking your health?

You can find out by taking the 2-minute DrinkCoach Alcohol Test.

The Alcohol Test is completely anonymous and will allow you to work out whether your drinking is risking your health.  Once you know your score, you can access personalised advice online as well as hints and tips for reducing your risk, if needed.  

DrinkCoach online coaching

DrinkCoach online coaching is for anyone wanting to reduce their drinking. If you are tired of hangovers, costs and the impact on your health, our coaches can help you identify and achieve your drinking goals. 

DrinkCoach is professional, convenient and confidential. You can access the service anywhere and at anytime to suit you: weekdays, evenings and weekends. All you need is a Skype connection.

If you live and/or work in West Sussex click on the following link and enter the promo code WSWELL to book your sessions for free:

Book an appointment

See the DrinkCoach website for more information.

See our alcohol pages for more information on alcohol and other support available.

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