Adur & Worthing alcohol service
The Wellbeing Alcohol Service is available to anyone aged 18+ who lives, works or studies in the Adur & Worthing area. This service offers support for people who recognise that their drinking has increased and are worried about their drinking, but who are not dependent. This is a free and confidential service. You can have up to six sessions with Nicky who is our Wellbeing Alcohol Advisor, which can be either face-to-face, via video link or telephone - whatever suits you.
Each session is up to 50 minutes and will be based around your individual needs.
We will work together with you, at your pace, to support you to make the changes you want to make.
Interested? Please complete the secure contact form and one of our friendly Wellbeing Advisors will be in touch.
Our mission is to end the stigma and secrecy surrounding alcohol issues and to “make talking about alcohol, as easy as buying it.”
We strongly recommend people refer themselves into this service. This puts people in control from the start, and is proven to have better results. We therefore ask professionals to work with existing clients to encourage them to make a self-referral, rather than referring on someone's behalf. We will accept professional referrals, but please note, if the client is not willing or ready to engage, then unfortunately we are unable to provide support.