Weight management for men & women
Would you like to improve your overall health and wellbeing?
Our 12-week courses have been designed to help men and women tackle their weight through healthy eating and activity.
The Weight Escape, 12 week weight loss challenge for men and women
The Wellbeing Advisor will help you to set achievable targets and support you to reach them.
Different healthy eating topics looking at food labelling, portion size, healthy recipes and much more! Learn strategies to help you change habits and behaviours to live a healthier lifestyle.
- Zoom and face-to-face sessions available for 12 weeks.
- Clients to weigh themselves at home and submit weekly along with a food diary.
- Handouts to accompany each week are emailed.
- One-to-one appointments available (via zoom or telephone).
Booking is essential, call 01903 221450 to find out when the next 12 week programme is starting or complete a secure contact form and we will get back to you.
Below are a few of the comments we have received from people who have attended the programme:
“The support was brilliant. Every weight loss session was very informative. The exercise was excellent set at the right pace. I’ve managed to lose 1 stone 8lbs in total.”
“I was referred by my doctor due to raised blood sugar readings. I found this course this course to be extremely helpful from the start. The way each week was organised and the overall presentation was excellent. I would recommend the course to anyone struggling with their weight.”
“I was lucky enough to get onto this and it has been much better than any commercial course. Not only did we have a different topic each week with scientific information, we had interactive exercises to complete together. In the second half the trainer put us through our paces in the exercise department and this was very carefully aimed at our ages, weight, mobility etc.”
“Friendly, helpful and useful information that I really feel able to put into practice. Never judged, only supported. Would definitely recommend it to anyone.”
Download your Weekly Food Diary (PDF, 46.0KB - new window) as a good starting point.