Family Wellbeing

Would you like your family to become healthier?

Are you are worried about your child’s weight, or would like to change your family’s lifestyle to become healthier?  If so, then the Family Wellbeing project may be able to help.

Family Wellbeing will work with you to make changes in a way that suits you and your family. You will receive personal support, nutritional advice, physical activity and cooking sessions too!

During sessions you will:

  • Cover the basics of nutrition in a fun and interactive way
  • Learn quick, simple and cheap meals, snacks and lunch box ideas
  • Understand more about food labels and how to avoid sugary foods
  • Work out lots of different games and activities you can do in the house, or out and about to increase your physical activity levels in a fun and entertaining way.
  • Have fun finding out about new recipes and cooking them
  • Build confidence and self-esteem.

Sessions are available for families with a child/children aged between 5 - 16 years old and above the ideal weight for their height and age.

What do families think of it?

I didn’t realise it was going to be so fun. The whole family looked forward to the sessions every week and each session we learnt something that has really helped. We didn’t want it to ever come to an end.”

“I can’t believe I find exercise fun and I look forward to it! I hated PE and had no confidence, but the Wellbeing Programme has helped me enjoy being active and I now wear clothes I never did before as I feel happier about myself.”

“We used to eat takeaways most nights as I didn’t think I had time or any energy, I didn’t realise how easy, quick and cheap cooking healthy meals could be. Since we have been shown fun games as a family and set active challenges we have more energy which is great".

Important Notice (Covid-19)

Please note that due to Covid-19 all Family Wellbeing home visiting appointments are currently suspended until further notice and support sessions are instead being delivered via video calls.

Referrals to this service:

To find out more, or to get started, please email: or call: 07712 290606.

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